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Excise SRO's

Download SRO Number Abstract
433 Dated 23-12-2021 Partial Modification to Notification S.O 114 Dated 31-03-2021 (Excise Policy 2021-22)
Errata to Notification SO 326 Dated 21.09.2021Dated 02.11-2021 Partial Modification to Notification SO 326 Dated 21-09-2021 Dated 02-11-2021
SO 326 Dated 21.09.2021 Amendment in J&K Liquor License and Sale Rules,1984
114 Dated 31-03-2021 Excise Policy 2021-22
Old Notification SRO Empowerment
40 Dated 08-02-2021 Amendments to S.O 275 Dated : 31-08-2020

275 Dated 31-08-2020

Excise Policy 2020-21

128 Dated 25-02-2019

Excise Policy 2019-20

240 Dated 29-05-2018

Excise Policy 2018-19

311 Dated 20-10-2017

Renewal of Liquor Licensees

381 Dated 13-09-2017

Additional Assessment Fee

157 Dated 30-03-2017

Excise Policy 2017-18

158 Dated 30-05-2016

Entertainment Duty on Satellite and Cable TV

130 Dated 11-04-2016

Excise Policy 2016-17

120 Dated 1-04-2016

Extension of Entertainment Duty till 30-6-206

317 Dated 15-09-2015

Partial modification of SRO 279

279 Dated 21-08-2015

Excise Policy 2015-16

  99 Dated 31-03-2015

Excise Policy 2014-15's- Extension SRO

 136 Dated 19-05-2014

Excise Policy 2014-15

 98 Dated 01-04-2014

Excise Policy 2013-14's Extension SRO

 148 Dated 28-03-2013

Excise SRO 2013-14 (Excise Policy)

157 Dated 26-04-2012

Assessment Fee on JKD Whisky

107 Dated 28-03-2012

Excise SRO 2012-13 (Excise Policy)

105 Dated 29-03-2011

Excise SRO 2011-12 (Excise Policy)

432 Dated 25-11-2010

Amendments in Distillery  Rules

349 Dated 30-9-2010

Entertainment Exemption SRO



Important Entertainment SROs

272 Dated 19-7-2010

Amendments in J&K Liquor License and Sale Rules

189 Dated 27-4-2010

Amendments in J&K Liquor License and Sale Rules

187 Dated 27-4-2010

Amendments in J&K Brewery Rules

155 Dated 31-3-2010

Excise SRO 2010-11 (Excise Policy)

276 Dated 01-9-2009

Licence Fee of JKEL-15

274 Dated 01-9-2009

GST 20 to 25%

162 Dated 5-6-2009

Excise SRO 2009-10 (Excise Policy)

137 Dated 15-5-2009

Entertainment Tax Exemption to Cinema Halls

112 Dated 21-4-2009

Amendment of SRO 368  Dt 24-10-2007 ( CSD)

89 Dated 24-3-2008

Excise SRO (License Fee)

315 Dated 03-9-2007

Amendment of SRO 172 Dated 7-5-2007

173 Dated 07-5-2007

Amnesty SRO

95 Dated 23-3-2007

Excise Duty Rates of 2007

122 Dated 31-3-2006

Entertainment Tax Exemption to Cinema Halls and Multiplexes

101 Dated 24-3-2006

Excise Duty Rates of 2006

248 Dated 30-8-2005

Amendment of SRO 186

247 Dated 30-8-2005

Amendment in Liquor License and Sales Rule

186 Dated 7-7-2005

Fixed Fee Rates

103 Dated 7-4-2005

Amendment of SRO 214 Dated 30-6-2003 (Entertainment Tax)

186 Dated 7-5-2005

Excise Duty Rates

257 Dated 14-9-2005

Amendment in Liquor License and Sales Rule

259 Dated 14-9-2005

Amendment in Liquor License and Sales Rule

258 Dated 14-9-2005

Amendment in Liquor License and Sales Rule

98 Dated 5-4-2005

Amendment in Liquor License and Sales Rule

126 Dated 22-4-2005

Notification of Toll Post Udhampur

296 Dated 8-9-2004

Tax on sale of IMFL/Beer in Leh

64 Dated 29-2-2004

Licence Fee Notifications

26 Dated 31-1-2004

Pertains to SSI Units

164 Dated 02-6-2004

Sub Vend SRO

25 Dated 31-1-2004

Pertains to Industries

24 Dated 31-1-2004

Pertain to Industries.

 24-04-2004 Excise Order No. 122 of 2004

(Approval of Labels of Beer)

 26-06-2003 Circular ( Specification of Labels)

Ord No. 453 Dt 3-3-2004

Replacement of Country Liquor to JKD

99 Dated 07-4-2003

Excise Policy  (Regarding Licenses).

156 Dated of 2003

G.O regarding Disposal of Application Received.

204 Dated of 2003

Excise Policy 2003-2004

82 Dated 30-3-2000


81 Dated 3-3-2000

Suspension of Warehouse

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